About Us
The Richmond Fellowship Scotland (TRFS) is a charity which supports over 2800 people across Scotland with a broad range of needs to live as independently as possible in their own homes and communities. We work with 28 local authorities and have a proven track record in providing high quality services to meet the unique needs and aspirations of the individuals we support.
We are the largest provider of social care services in Scotland, providing personalised, high-quality community-based support services for those who require support in their lives. Some may have mental health difficulties, learning disabilities or autism; others may have dementia, alcohol or drug issues or forensic backgrounds.
All of our services work in person-centred ways to offer choice, promote inclusion and maximise ability.
What do we do?
We provide quality support to indviduals in the following areas: -
- Mental Health
- Learning Disabilities
- Autism
- Postive Behaviour Support
- Young People in Transition
- Older People's Services, including Dementia
- Alcohol Related Brain Damage
- Forensic Services
- Alcohol & Drug Misuse
About SDS
Self-Directed Support is a new way of arranging support, which puts the indvidual in charge. The focus of all support is now about outcomes - the things they want to achieve in your life.
All new referrals to social work services in Scotland will now be offered a choice of four options:
- A direct payment – where they are given a cash payment to pay for their support and any activities that can help them achieve their outcomes
- An individual service fund – where an organisation like The Richmond Fellowship Scotland can manage their budget but they still have full choice over how it is spent
- A managed budget – where the local authority arranges the service
- A mix and match of the options – for example, the individual might use a direct payment for a short break, but have their day service through a provider
The Richmond Fellowship Scotland can provide support no matter what option is chosen. Find out more here.
Want to find out more?
Please mail us at sds@trfs.org.uk or call us on 0845 013 6300
The Richmond Scotland is the proud winner of the BILD Leadership Award for Innovative Practice in Positive Behaviour Support 2014
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How can we help
Jacqui Kerr, East Ayrshire Council"The Richmond Fellowship Scotland is a very forward thinking organisation. They have embraced the self-directed support agenda and are keen to promote choice to each individual they support."