Do you want to know more about Wellness Recovery and Action Planning (WRAP®) and what is happening in the Fife Area? Do you want to take more control of your life?
Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) is a self- management tool born out of and rooted in the principles of empowerment and self-determination
WRAP was developed by people in America, led by Mary Ellen Copeland, who had been living with a variety of mental health challenges and were working hard to feel better and get on with their lives.
WRAP is currently being used across the world by people to feel more in control of physical & behaviour health challenges such as arthritis, diabetes and mental ill health.
It is a structured system to regain a sense of wellness and works by raising personal awareness of what actions you can take to feel better, (i.e. concentrating on what is strong within us rather than what is wrong)
WRAP is a Wellness and Recovery approach that helps people:
1) Decrease and prevent intrusive or troubling feelings and behaviours
2) Increase personal empowerment
3) Improve quality of life
4) Achieve your own life goals dreams and aspirations
Our service can provide you with the opportunity to learn more about Recovery and WRAP. This is currently funded through ‘Fife Health and Wellbeing Alliance’
For a limited time only, depending on your circumstances, there is an opportunity to attend a workshop free of charge.
To find out about the workshops please call one of the numbers below and speak with us.
Pam Butter 01592 774967
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How can we help
Attendee at WRAP WorkshopI have never before thought of my own wellness this way, you just get on with things, never really thinking you can control it, this way I get to stop things becoming a problem