Perth Supported Living Service

Locations covered:
Perth and Perthshire
01738 440839
Mental Health, Learning Disability

Our service provides support throughout Perth and the surrounding area. We meet the needs of people we severe and enduring mental health problems and learning disabilities.

Our team has experience of supporting people with autism, physical disabilities, older people with dementia related illnesses, drug and alcohol issues and homelessness. We can provide 24 hour support packages including sleepovers where appropriate.

We strongly believe in the recovery process and that with the right support people can go on to live full and rewarding lives. We work closely with medical professional, social workers, Welfare Rights, Citizens Advice, occupational therapists and speech and language therapists to provide a high quality, flexible service for people we support.

It is important that your support is provided by caring, competent and knowledgeable staff. We provide a range of training to promote high standards of practice that continues throughout staff’s employment.

We use a person centred approach to planning all support. This means we work with people to plan exactly what kind of support is identified: this could include housing support in the form of budgeting, paying bills, shopping and housework. Social inclusion plays a large part of our support: we want to help people to build relationships, get involved in leisure activities and feel part of the local community.