PPE - Support for Staff!

Tuesday 9 June 2020

TRFS have taken proactive steps to ensure our staff and the people we support are kept safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.  In addition to ensuring staff have the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), it is equally as important that staff know how to use it correctly.

To that end we have introduced guidance and decision making tools for staff to use when assessing the protection they need to keep themselves and the people we support safe.

Staff are given guidance on how to store and use their PPE prior to support.

Putting on

and how to maintain and dispose of their PPE after support

Taking off

The guidance is based on NHS good practice and is can be accessed by staff easily and quickly.  In addition to the training and online resources available, staff are also able to contact the Health and Safety Team and Managers who have all been trained in the use of PPE.


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