Lockdown at Harbourside!

Wednesday 10 June 2020

The people we support and staff at our service in Harbourside have been trying to keep busy and motivated during lockdown and everyone has done tremendously well!

There have been some really lovely moments over the past few weeks:

M has been putting his skills and experience to good use and giving some of his fellow residents a haircut while the salons and barbers are closed.

Haircuts combined

There was a lovely leaving lunch for Team Manager, Lynn, when she finished up at Harbourside once Graeme had started. Lynn will be sorely missed and all of the hard work she put into Harbourside was greatly appreciated.

Lynn leaving

V has been busy helping out in the kitchen and recently made a beautiful fruit salad for everyone which went down particularly well in the hot sunny weather.

V s fruit salad

Most residents have taken advantage of the daily exercise limits and have taken walks along the harbour, enjoying the stunning scenery they have right on their doorstep!

Exercise combined

Lots of activities have been going on around the house and garden. There is a weekly karaoke competition as well as a choir group, sit down yoga, gardening club and garden sports including archery (K was very pleased to have scored a top score of 10 when playing recently!).


The weekends have seen mocktail/high tea parties as well as a ready steady cook competition.

Everyone has been happy to stay in touch with their families via phone calls and Facetime. Families have recently been invited in for socially distant garden visits which everyone is looking forward to.

There have even been a couple of visits into the service from staff member’s dogs where everyone got lots of much needed hugs and affection.

Lots of special memories have been made during what has been a tremendously difficult period for the entire country. Most importantly of all at Harbourside is that everyone remains safe, happy and healthy.

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