Halloween Fun for Gordon and Nadeem!
We support people everyday to feel good, be involved and have FUN! What better time to have fun than Halloween!
Gordon and Nadeem from our East Kilbride services had a fantastic time at Halloween. With Gordon dressing as Harry Potter and Nadeem dressing as pilot they watched the TRFS North & South Participatory Funding Halloween Party and spent the afternoon dancing to the music and learning some new dance moves!
There was also some spooktacular fun with staff supporting Gordon and Nadeem to make monster cookies which they enjoyed with a cup of tea later in the afternoon! At night there was more fun with some games. Everyone played ‘pin the spider on the web’ and Gordon and Nadeem enjoyed blindfolding the staff and spinning them around to have a shot!
Gordon and Nadeem both agreed it had been a great day and they are not looking forward to the Christmas festivities!
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