People We Support receive £80,000 for Fun Outcomes

Tuesday 25 March 2014


Today, Austen Smyth, CEO, announced that The Richmond Fellowship Scotland has allocated £80,000 for the People We Support to propose and bid for “Fun Outcomes” projects in 2014/15.

The Richmond Fellowship Scotland has pioneered Participatory Funding as a way of handing over funding to vulnerable people to help them shape, design and control projects that achieve what they want. It gives over control and responsibility.  Our only requirement is that the money is spent on getting some fun. This is an outcome that is important and one that makes a difference at a human level.

This is a great opportunity for the People We Support to develop, shape and direct on outcomes for themselves. Hopefully it will also give our staff some rewards as well, helping them do what they do best; making a difference in people’s lives and realising potential. I want this investment to also help and support people with complex needs and perhaps people with less overt communication skills to ensure this opportunity is available to all.

About The Richmond Fellowship Scotland

The Richmond Fellowship Scotland is a charity which supports over 2000 people across Scotland with a broad range of needs to live as independently as possible in their own homes and communities.

We are the largest provider of social care services in Scotland, providing personalised, high-quality community-based support services for those who require support in their lives. Some may have mental health difficulties, learning disabilities or autism; others may have dementia, alcohol or drug issues or forensic backgrounds.

All of our services work in person-centred ways to offer choice promote inclusion and maximise ability.

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