TRFS 2017 Awards Day
On August 31st, 2017, we gathered at Edinburgh Napier University, to celebrate the achievements of the staff who completed the ‘Professional Development Award in Management of Behaviour Support’ (PDA) and the ‘Outcome Based Support Planning for People with Autism Certificate’ (OBSPA).
Developed and delivered by The Richmond Fellowship Scotland’s Positive Behaviour Support Team, the PDA award provides Senior Support Workers with training in the theory and practice of Positive Behaviour Support. TRFS are extremely proud of this unique award and we are the only organisation in Scotland to offer this type of qualification in Positive Behaviour Support. This year 13 SSWs successfully complete their PDA and attended the awards day to celebrate their achievements.
Susan Dickson, a PDA candidate from Balmoral Gate in Glasgow, gave a presentation sharing the journey of her supported individual, Kathleen. Susan spoke of the different Behaviour Support Plans which are now in place to help Kathleen cope in day to day life and shared these accomplishments with the audience. Kathleen attended the awards day with Susan to offer support and encouragement and share a video diary with the audience.
The day also celebrated the achievement of those candidates who successfully completed the ‘Outcome Based Support Planning for People with Autism’ certificate. This is a work-based accredited training programme for staff who develop person -centred support plans with people with autism. The aims of the course are to improve the delivery of outcome-based support to people with autism and develop the skills and practice of managers of services for people with autism. Well done to the 9 candidates who successfully achieved their award.
Rachel Chisholm and Nicola Hadden, both OBSPA candidates, gave presentations on the improvements made in the lives of the people they support as a result of the learning achieved on the course.
The celebration was supported by the Executive Directors, Team Managers and Area Managers and candidates were awarded their certificates by the Chief Executive Officer, Austen Smyth. An array of external speakers also attended to congratulate the candidates.
Professor Michael Brown, School of Health and Social Care, opened the event and welcomed all of the guests to Napier University.
Daniel Johnson, MSP Edinburgh South spoke passionately about, the importance of work and employment, not only for income but, for self confidence and skill development
Sarah Leitch, BILD Development Manager, spoke about Positive Behaviour Support and its place within the care sector. Sarah spoke of Practice Leaders and encouraged all candidates to continue in their good work; to move forward and continue to achieve.
“Staff facilitate and support, it’s not about doing it for the person, it’s about teaching the person new skills.”
Jim Taylor, Director of Knows Autism, spoke about the quality of care provided all over the country. Jim praised each candidate and spoke of the difference this award will make to the skill set and development of each practitioner
PBST would like to say thank you to everyone who attended and particularly to the hard work and commitment of all of the candidates!
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