10 May 2018
Management and Leadership Graduates 2018
1 May 2018
Anniversary Boost to Participatory Funding Budgets for 2018/19
1 May 2018
Making Improvements - New Support Planning Workshops
27 April 2018
Celebration of Success
On 25th April, Central Region celebrated our annual Celebration of Learning event
28 March 2018
We Celebrate World Autism Awareness Week
Across TRFS activities celebrating World Autism Awareness Week have been organised. The them this year has been 'Home'.
21 March 2018
New Certificate Course is Launched
This week sees the launch of the next cohort of staff undertaking this exciting Certificate in Outcomes-based support planning for autistic people.
15 March 2018
Film buffs in Fife.
Fife services go above and beyond to support people to express themselves and contribute to the community.
5 March 2018
We Rose to the Snow Challenge!
The Chief Exec sends a personal thank you to all of our staff, who went above and beyond in treacherous conditions to deliver support.
1 February 2018
Go Health & Safety Go!
Tony Priest, our Health and Safety Adviser, recently had the opportunity to sit in the First Ministers seat at the Scottish Parliament. The Partnership on Health and Safety in Scotland (PHASS) was attending a meeting in the parliament and the members were
25 January 2018
Positive Pathways Launch Online Learning
This resource is free to access for all family carers of young people (age 5 to 18) with autism. We want lots of people to know about this fantastic opportunity for family carers.