8 January 2018
Our staff will be hosting a recruiting event between 10am-3pm on Monday 15th January 2018 at: Rothes Halls, Kingdom Shopping Centre, Glenrothes KY7 5NX If you're interested in a career in social care, then come along and find out more.
16 November 2017
TRFS team 'Real Richmond' win SFA Mental Health Football League trophy
Years of hard work and a total dedication to football has meant that Real Richmond, a team with players from Balmoral Gate and William St Dispersed services are brining home the league trophy.
15 November 2017
New National Autism Advisor at TRFS
The Richmond Fellowship Scotland would like to announce the appointment of a new National Autism Advisor who will take a lead role in delivering the commitments set out in the TRFS Autism Strategy 2017-2020.
27 October 2017
Celebrating Excellent Feedback
TRFS have been rolling out our How Well Are We Doing surveys to the people we support and carers and families for years. The results continue to be excellent this year.
27 October 2017
H&S Learning and Training Award
The Richmond Fellowship Scotland has recently won a Learning and Training Award for their Fire Warden Training - presented by the National Association for Safety and Health in Care Services (NASHiCS).
27 September 2017
East Region Participation Event
On Friday, September 22nd, East Region held their fabulously fun participation event in Galashiels Rugby Club
21 September 2017
Positive Pathways Scotland launch e-learning resource
Positive Pathways Scotland are having a focused week for registration for their follow-up e-learning resource
14 September 2017
Butterbiggins Garden Party
On 18th August 2017 we had a garden party at Butterbiggins Road care home. This was a celebration held in honour of the service receiving a grade of 6 for Quality of Care and Support and a five for Quality of Environment at a recent care inspection.
7 September 2017
TRFS 2017 Awards Day
On August 17, candidates and the Positive Behaviour Support Team gathered at Edinburgh Napier University to celebrate the achievements of the staff who successfully completed their professional development awards in positive behaviour support.
10 August 2017
A loving thank you
John's sister Mary has kindly written staff a beautiful thank you letter.