1 August 2017
2017 International Behavioural Conference
Caroline Shaw and Marie Thomson from the Positive Behaviour Support Team have presented at an international conference.
21 July 2017
St Clair Street Celebrates 20th Anniversary
The St Clair Street Service in Edinburgh opened in May 1997 and we celebrated it's 20th anniversary with a party for the people we support, their friends and their families.
29 June 2017
The Property Project
We're excited! We're investing in property and it will help people, partners and our development.
9 June 2017
Our innovative Support Plans make a difference
The Care Inspectorate recognises the positive difference that our new Support Plans make.
12 May 2017
Head of Complex Needs wins prestigious award
Dr Anne MacDonald, Head of Complex Needs, wins prestigious award at BILD's Positive Behaviour Support Awards.
6 April 2017
Scottish Parliament Motion supports Autism Strategy
MSP Fulton MacGregor raised a motion in the Scottish Parliament in support of our new Autism Strategy
30 March 2017
TRFS launch New Autism Strategy 2017-2020
TRFS launch New Autism Strategy 2017-2020 at World Autism Awareness Event
28 March 2017
TRFS allocates £80,000 to Participatory Funding in 2017/18
Austen Smyth, CEO, is happy to announce that we will continue to allocate £80,000 to the People We Support through its Participatory Funding initiative in 2017/18.
21 March 2017
TRFS Management and Leadership Award Celebration
The Richmond Fellowship Scotland was proud to award the very first batch of graduates their certificates in Management and Leadership at Napier University in Edinburgh on Friday 17 March 2017
7 February 2017
How well are we doing?
Find out how well you said we did in 2016 and how you can take part in our surveys for 2017