8 April 2015
Parents’ weekend retreat success
20 March 2015
World Autism Awareness Day 2015
The Richmond Fellowship Scotland is committed to raising people’s understanding of autism and is holding a number of events across Scotland for people we support, staff and the general public on World Autism Awareness Day, 2nd of April 2015
13 March 2015
South Lanarkshire Cycle Group Launches 19th March
South Lanarkshire Cycle Group Launches 19th March
23 February 2015
TRFS awarded Fire Warden Training Accreditation
The Richmond Fellowship Scotland have recently been awarded with accreditation from the Institute of Fire Safety Managers to deliver our own ‘in-house’ Fire Warden training.
13 February 2015
Outcomes are Fun project recognised by Scottish Government
The Richmond Fellowship Scotland are delighted to be included in the Participatory Budgeting survey that was recently published by the Scottish Government. This was to publicise these projects and encourage further participation throughout the sector
9 February 2015
Your Service, Your Say!
Have you had your say in the TRFS satisfaction survey for 2014/15? Your views about your service and the service we provide are extremely important to us. We use your feedback to help make services better and of course give recognition where feedback is p
8 December 2014
Keep On Moving Christmas Party
It is the Keep On Moving group's Christmas party on the 12th December!
4 December 2014
Todhill Christmas Fayre 10th December
Toddhil Community Centre is having a Christmas Fayre - come and join us!
24 November 2014
Cherry Tree Court's Cheery Christmas Fayre
Our Cherry Tree Court Service are having a fantastic Christmas Fayre. Why don't you pop along?
21 November 2014
Whose Shoes? Supporting Dementia through co-production
Marion Brown, an Area Manager with The Richmond Fellowship Scotland recently attended a masterclass for Whose Shoes? - a game based approach to co-production and supporting individuals with dementia. Here she writes about her experience.