2 October 2015
Health & Safety Week Competiton Winner
During Health and Safety Week we ran a competition for the best health and safety related idea or suggestion against criteria such as innovation, originality, ease of implementation, improvements to safety, empowerment, and its relevance to the organisati
27 August 2015
2015 TRFS Challenge Cup Winners!
Well done to Richmond FC, a team from Fife, for winning the 2015 TRFS Challenge Cup – our football tournament for people with learning disabilities
27 July 2015
Good Autism Practice Meeting
The second meeting of our Good Autism Practice Group has been a great success covering the topic of transitions including school leaving, home moves and other changes.
23 July 2015
New CALM Instructors for TRFS
Eight staff from The Richmond Fellowship Scotland have undertaken their CALM Instructor training to add to the already existing pool of CALM trainers within the company.
29 June 2015
Committed to Excellence Award for Richmond
The Richmond Fellowship Scotland were pleased to pick up a Committed to Excellence Award from Quality Scotland at the Scottish Awards for Business Excellence
19 June 2015
Care Inspectorate Results 2014/15
The annual Care Inspectorate Report for 2014/15 has just been completed, and it is extremely positive: our target of achieving at least a grade 4 for 90% of our services has not only been achieved, but surpassed.
17 June 2015
1 June 2015
Recruitment Fayre Dumfries on 11 June
Due to continued growth we are recruiting support staff for our services in the Dumfries area.
14 May 2015
TRFS makes waves with S.H.I.P. and Splash
On May 14th we took part in a fantastic training event for the volunteers of S.H.I.P. and Splash in Perth. They work with children aged between 5 and 18, supporting them to access the community in a fun and safe way.
8 May 2015
Celebrating World Autism Awareness Day 2015
The people we support and our staff held a number of fantastic and highly creative events to commemorate World Autism Awareness Day 2015.